Sunday, 2 February 2014

First post on media coverage

What's going on guys? So for my blog I wanted to cover the topic "messages conveyed by the media". The reason that I chose this is because I follow many media outlets quite closely and I find that there is quite often mixed messages or messages that could be considered negative covered quite frequently in todays media. If you think about it, consider how often bad news is covered on television when compared directly to good or uplifting news. In reality the bad news usually overshadows the good news in dominating ways, One story  that I consider to be a prime example of this was the coverage of "Rob Ford" the mayor of Toronto. The media has made the general public view "Mayor Ford" as a drug abusing, foul mouthed individual. Which could lead some people to view "Mayor Ford" as a bad influence. However the media has overlooked many good things that "Mayor Ford" has done such as helping the city with some of its massive debt issues.
 The reason that I think the media does this is because people don't seem to care about the good things when they could be informed about the bad things going on in society. It is almost like the media likes to keep the general public on its toes. Large news companies such as "CNN" or "CTV" will often spend a large chunk of time talking about some sort of issue going on and then cover something positive with their remaining time. If you look at other media outlets such as "TMZ" which covers celebrities only, you will notice quite quickly that almost all of the stories refer to: drug abuse, criminal actions or death. This again I think is because the public doesn't want to know about charity work done by certain celebrities when they could know about a certain celebrity that has gotten a DUI or something along those lines.
 Anyways as a conclusion to my first post I just want whoever is reading this to consider these points the next time that you watch the news. The media has a lot of say in public opinion and they certainly know that. Thank you for reading.

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